God Is Triune
Before the creation of the world, God eternally existed in a magnificent celebration of life and self-giving love between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This was the triune God for all eternity!
Incredibly, in Jesus, we are invited into this self-giving love of God! This is not just a theoretical fellowship with God, but a fellowship as solid and as "tangible" as the intimate friendship that John himself enjoyed with the Savior when he leaned his head on His chest. In fact, the communion we can experience with Jesus by His indwelling Spirit is more abiding and more intimate than physical closeness. The triune God is in us!
Our calling from the Great Eternal King is to know Him, to experience Him, to enjoy Him, to possess Him. Moreover, in the Church w e participate in that life together. The Father loves His Son who loves the Holy Spirit who loves them both - in us and through us! This is what the Christian life is: restoration to fellowship with God. The experience of this should be our highest aspiration. And all of this is because God is triune!
In this second volume of Transformational Theology, God Is Triune, we explore this life-changing doctrine of the Trinity - the very center of everything in the Christian life and church life. This Truth will profoundly transform our lives!